CNN's 'Secular Muslim': Carson and Trump Responsible if Gunman Shoots Up Mosque

danjoseph | September 29, 2015

Appearing with Don Lemon, Monday, CNN panelist Rula Jebreal said that, if a crazed gunman goes and shoots up a Mosque, presidential candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump will have "blood on their hands." Jebreal says that recent statements made by the two candidates are responsible for fomenting anti-Muslim sentiment within the Republican party. 

Jebreal, who describes herself as a "secular Muslim," said she believes that in a country that is "so armed" it's well within the realm of possibility that someone “will go to a mosque tomorrow… and will start shooting people and then these people will have blood on their hands, all of them, Carson, Trump, and Ted Cruz.” The statement was made following comments by commentator Armstrong Williams who defended Carson.

Jebreal's comments come in the wake of controversies stemming from remarks made by Dr. Carson regarding whether or not people of the Muslim faith are fit to serve as president and an incident where a man at a Trump rally accused President Obama of being a Muslim. It is unclear why Jebreal included Senator Cruz in the equation. Cruz immediately went on record pointing out that the U.S.. Constitution forbids any religious test for determining presidential eligibility, following Carson's remarks. 

Hat TIp: Mediaite