CNN Contributor: 'I'm Tired of So Many Inexperienced White Men' Running For President

Patrick Hauf | June 13, 2018

During a CNN segment on Alec Baldwin’s assertion that he could “absolutely” beat Trump in a presidential election, contributor Symone Sanders said that she is “tired of so many inexperienced white men throwing their name in the hat to be president of the United States.”

“Can some Latinas, can some black women, can we have some of those folks, that you know what, Donald Trump is president, I’m funny, I’d win if I threw my name in the hat. I’m just over it. I’m over it actually. I’m actually over it,” she ranted.

“The person that can stand up and credibly challenge Donald Trump is going to be someone that can speak to the heart of issues happening in America, given from McDowell County, West Virginia, to Clarksdale, Mississippi, to Omaha, Nebraska all the way over to San Francisco, California, and I believe that person could be a number of people, but it doesn’t just have to be a funny, old white man,” she added.

Ironically, Sanders recently worked as Bernie Sanders' press secretary.

This is not the first time Sanders has said something controversial on national television. From comparing President Trump’s immigration policy to slavery, to mocking a Trump supporter who was physically attacked, to claiming four teens torturing a handicapped man is not a hate crime, the Democratic strategist has a history of questionable comments on CNN.

Why CNN continues to give her a platform is beyond me. Then again, this is CNN.

(Cover Photo: Gage Skidmore)