Bernie Sanders Says GOP Healthcare Bill Worse Than 9/11

Nick Kangadis | July 10, 2017

It's been long known that politicians have no problem politicizing tragedies, but to compare a healthcare bill to a terrorist attack is just plain unconscionable.

Democratic presidential primary loser, senator from Vermont and Democratic Socialist — whatever the heck that is — Bernie Sanders took to the stage at the #CareNotCuts rally in West Virginia on Sunday to drone on about why Obamacare is awesome, and how the prospect of repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with a GOP-led bill would be worse the tragedies that befell the U.S. on September 11, 2001.

Here is the excerpt in question from Sanders’ speech:

Now obviously nobody can predict exactly how many people will die if they lose their coverage. Nobody can make that prediction. But what experts at the Harvard School of Public Health estimate, is that if 23 million Americans were to be thrown off the insurance they currently have…up to 28,000 Americans every single year could die.

That is nine times more than the tragic losses of we suffered on 9/11, every single year.

Classy, Sanders.

Let’s see. Which one is more tragic? Multiple tragedies happening on the same day resulting in the deaths of almost 3,000 people because of the actions of terrorists? Or the debunked prediction of mass-scale death resulting from a healthcare bill that hasn’t even been passed?

The fact that Sanders compares a deliberate terrorist attack to a factually baseless hypothetical is downright sad and pathetic.

Here's the clip from Sanders' speech:

H/T: Gateway Pundit