Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | October 26, 2015
God forbid it should be said that Bernie Sanders organizes a "Christmas" party! Sanders wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, was interviewed on today's With All Due Respect.When Mark Halperin asked Mrs. Sanders to share a side of her husband that people might not know about, she twice mentioned that Bernie organizes an annual "Christmas" party. And twice she promptly corrected herself, saying it's a "…
MarkF | October 25, 2015
Talk about an inconvenient truth . . . Don't know if we've ever witnessed such a blatant suppression of facts--even on MSNBC.Republican strategist Jessica Proud was a guest this morning on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show, which has been turfed out of its weekday-evening slot and relegated to the early-Sunday wilderness. When discussion turned to the Benghazi hearing, Proud pointed out that Hillary,…
MarkF | October 23, 2015
Say, Tom, maybe you could lead a movement to retroactively impeach George W. Bush . . . On today's Morning Joe, Tom Brokaw, downplayed the significance of Benghazi, and suggested instead that what we really needed was "a big congressional investigation about the decision to go to war in the first place in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist."Brokaw also underlined that more…
MarkF | October 23, 2015
Say, Tom, maybe you could lead a movement to retroactively impeach George W. Bush . . . On today's Morning Joe, Tom Brokaw, downplayed the significance of Benghazi, and suggested instead that what we really needed was "a big congressional investigation about the decision to go to war in the first place in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist." Brokaw also underlined that more…
MarkF | October 23, 2015
Talk about politics making strange bedfellows . . . Joe Scarborough has said that when he goes back to Washington, DC, his "best friends" are "liberal Democrats." The one person Scarborough singled out to illustrate was Maxine Waters, mentioning that he hugs her on the House floor.Scarborough's statement came during a pre-recorded New Hampshire town hall with John Kasich that aired on today's…
MarkF | October 22, 2015
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were among the first in the media, going back months, to take Donald Trump seriously. In contrast, Bill Kristol had repeatedly declared that we had reached "peak Trump," only to find The Donald confoundingly continuing to climb in the polls. Things boiled over on today's Morning Joe. Despite a fresh poll showing Trump with an astounding 48% of GOP primary…
MarkF | October 21, 2015
it might be apocryphal, but the famous quote attributed to Pauline Kael, the late film critic of the New York Times, is along the lines of "how could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him." Mika Brzezinski had her Pauline Kael moment on today's Morning Joe. Mika declared herself "very surprised" by poll numbers showing there are more Americans dissatisfied with Hillary Clinton's response to…
MarkF | October 21, 2015
Mika's Pauline Kael Moment on Benghazi: 'Disconnect Between People I Talk to and Rest of Country' It might be apocryphal, but the famous quote attributed to Pauline Kael, the late film critic of the New York Times, is along the lines of "how could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him." Mika Brzezinski had her Pauline Kael moment on today's Morning Joe. Mika declared herself "very…
MarkF | October 20, 2015
This could be the worst whitewashing since Tom Sawyer suckered people into helping him with that fence . . . On today's Morning Joe, Joe Klein cleared Hillary of responsibility for American deaths in Benghazi, and blamed the CIA. According to Klein, "we haven't heard enough about the fact that this really was a CIA station there, not so much a consulate, and those guys should be able to…
MarkF | October 20, 2015
Basta: enough already! It's not that John Heilemann thinks Joe Biden is a liar, it's just that he's not convinced that Biden knows his own mind yet. And so it was that on today's Morning Joe, Heilemann declared "if he called me this morning and said I'll get into at noon I wouldn't believe him because by noon he would change his mind.'