Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | January 10, 2016
As Rush Limbaugh would say, they're not refugees or illegal immigrants: they're undocumented Democrats . . . On this morning's New Day, CNN political analyst Josh Rogin [formerly of the Daily Beast], twice claimed that President Obama's push to admit "refugees" from Syria and elsewhere is a "principled" position, not a "political" one.
MarkF | January 10, 2016
As Rush Limbaugh would say, they're not refugees or illegal immigrants: they're undocumented Democrats . . . On this morning's New Day, CNN political analyst Josh Rogin [formerly of the Daily Beast], twice claimed that President Obama's push to admit "refugees" from Syria and elsewhere is a "principled" position, not a "political" one.
MarkF | January 9, 2016
Let's see, a guy in a Muslim tunic, who after being arrested tells police he has pledged allegiance to ISIS, and who has made trips to the Middle East, shoots 11 times at a white Philly policeman, wounding him.What could be the motive? If you're Rachel Maddow, the answer is "murky." So said Maddow on her MSNBC show last night.
MarkF | January 8, 2016
MarkF | January 8, 2016
MarkF | January 7, 2016
Someone remind me: isn't there a term for people with this sort of fixation?Joe Scarborough just can't stop talking about Marco Rubio's footwear, ever since a photo recently surfaced of Rubio sporting a pair of boots. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough repeatedly circled back to the subject, managing to work it into a number of conversations. For example, when Mika Brzezinski cited a report that…
MarkF | January 5, 2016
In the market for some comic relief after President Obama's teary announcement of new executive orders on gun control, and Chris Matthews fawning interview of Hillary Clinton? You've come to the right place.On this evening's O'Reilly Factor, Dem strategist Nomiki Konst claimed that forcing law-abiding Americans to register their guns would stop the "majority" of mass shootings. You're killing me…