Eric Pairel
VP & Chief Technology Officer
Eric Pairel | October 29, 2010
Halloween and the midterm elections are coming, and we all know which is more frightening. Uncle Jay can’t help being nervous, but he’s not nearly as nervous as some politicians. Soon, they might have to actually start looking for the jobs they haven’t created.
Eric Pairel | October 29, 2010
The First Amendment says speech is free, but Juan Williams just made it pay! The Amendment also says assembly is free, but won’t Jon Stewart’s rally have lots of bills? And Clarence Thomas wishes there was something in the Amendment about a statute of limitations. Uncle Jay explains!
Eric Pairel | August 12, 2010
Sometimes the news will occasionally … hope you can handle this … get things wrong. How is this possible from such dedicated professionals? Uncle Jay explains how the news screws up now and then … “now” meaning today and “then” meaning every day before now.
Eric Pairel | August 12, 2010
Let’s hope the troop withdrawals from Iraq go more smoothly than the ones at American Idol. Let’s hope Chelsea’s marriage lasts longer than this year’s campaign promises. Let’s hope the Chevy Volt sells better than, um, every other GM car. Uncle Jay explains!
Eric Pairel | May 10, 2010
Be vigilant, citizen! Learn how to spot the difference between an illegal immigrant and a normal-looking American like Lady Gaga! Uncle Jay tries to explain what the immigration conflagration is all about. Hope you’ve had your shots!
Eric Pairel | April 27, 2010
It’s a rerun, only worse! It’s last week’s singing episode, but now with Youtube’s new computer-generated captions. How’s the accuracy? About as accurate as your average news report. Yeah, that bad.
Eric Pairel | April 27, 2010
SPECIAL SINGING EPISODE! Iceland’s volcano? That’s nothing like the coming eruption over a new Supreme Court nominee. Uncle Jay prepares you for the left’s/the right’s strong support/strong condemnation for him/her by liberals/conservatives with a song/song!
Eric Pairel | March 23, 2010
The patient survived! Amazing, considering that half of the surgeons were trying to pull the plug all through the operation. Uncle Jay explains it all!
Eric Pairel | March 23, 2010
President Obama heads out on the road, March Madness heads out to the courts, the Census heads out to the mailboxes, and Congress has its heads up the usual places. Uncle Jay explains it all, faster than a speeding Toyota!
Eric Pairel | March 3, 2010
There go the Olympics, here come the Oscars! It’s almost enough to make us forget about earthquakes, snow and other major disasters, like health care reform. Dude, it’s hard to explain, but Uncle Jay does.