If a certain action is considered racist against one race, then said action should be construed as racist against all races. Racial and gender-based quotas hurt whatever enterprise you are staffing because new hires and promotions become based on a person’s skin color and/or gender rather than their qualifications.
A group of white police officers has filed a lawsuit against the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) for allegedly discriminating against them, arguing that they were passed over for promotions because of their “race and gender.”
According to the San Francisco Chronicle:
Twelve white male San Francisco police officers who were passed over for promotions are suing the city for race and sex discrimination, led by a lieutenant whose similar suit 16 years ago netted a $1.6 million settlement. A 13th plaintiff, now retired, says she was denied promotion because she is a white lesbian.
The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in federal court, is the latest round of a conflict that dates back at least to 1973, when an organization representing black and female officers sued the San Francisco police force for discrimination in hiring and promotions. The city settled the case in 1979 by taking steps to increase diversity, including the “banding” of promotional test results so that all candidates who scored within a certain range were treated the same, allowing them to be judged on other factors such as experience and language skills.
“The city — to this day — has a long-standing practice and custom of discriminating against white males in SFPD promotions to the rank of sergeant, lieutenant and captain,” the officers’ attorney, M. Greg Mullanax, said in the lawsuit, according to the Chronicle.
Not sure how the SFPD is going to argue against the “white lesbian” and her part in the case considering how “woke” the Bay Area proclaims to be. But, it doesn’t matter whether the plaintiffs are “white males” or a “white lesbian.” If they were qualified for the promotion, but got passed over because of some quota, that’s racist in and of itself.
You shouldn’t be denied pretty much anything based on your skin color, gender, sexual orientation or anything else. If you are qualified for a job, you’re qualified. The only color that should matter to anyone is the color green, the color of the money that allows people to pay their bills. That’s the only color I care about. I don’t remember any of the other colors doing that for me, whether they be white, black or any other racial color.
The color of your skin doesn’t really help you in a job. It’s the “content of your character,” along with your qualifications.
H/T: NBC News