Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! It's a quick trip through the looking glass for a gander at some of the nuttiest coke clips on the interwebs.
This week we saw just how far off “Christians” are becoming. One mother called it her duty as a Christian parent to help her daughter transition into a boy. Apparently that’s what “God always intended.” Maybe she meant God with a lowercase “g.”
Next was Jeffery Marsh promoting his Patreon account where he likes to talk to young kids about their gender and sexuality. He made it a point to emphasize that it would be a safe space for kids whose parents “screwed up” and maybe weren’t on-board with the child’s gender identity or queerness. Essentially, Marsh is a paid groomer.
Finally we saw two clips of drag queens performing in sequins inside of a church. One sang “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” I can assure you, there was no start of peace after his performance.
That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!
Related: Twerking' For Spirituality, Men Claiming They Have Periods & Sheer Insanity
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How bad are the media lies this week? Leftists seriously claimed gun-shaped lapel pins are killing kids, and that Biden is actually popular!@Schineman has the worst of the worst from the liberal media from the past week in today's Wacky MOLE! pic.twitter.com/iQbfqYq7td
— MRCTV (@mrctv) February 20, 2023