When ‘Gender Neutral’ Isn’t Progressive Enough & Watching The Left F**k Themselves | Woke of the Weak

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 28, 2023
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Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! 

This week we heard from one parent (we can’t tell or say whether it was a mother or father) about how even raising your kids “gender neutral” isn’t progressive enough as it creates nonbinary kids. But, apparently non-binary is still too binary and kids instead should be raised “gender less” in order to try out various genders at a time. 

We also learned that some claim God is nonbinary … and apparently transgender, black, asian, differently abled and gay. We also learned that "we" are God. 

Next up was a clip that featured climate activists pouring oil and chemicals on the ground to protest pollution. Yes, that was as dumb as it seemed. 

We also saw a woman dance barefoot at the airport to get the attendees attention and even saw a emulate what it means to f**k yourself.


That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!

Related: When Trans Goes 'Christian' & Groomers Get Paid For Grooming Kids