What's the Point? Biden Wears Masks Getting Off Plane in S. Korea Only to Take it Off When Greeting Others

Nick Kangadis | May 23, 2022
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Some things are just strange to see, and often, the actions of President Joe Biden fit that category to a T.

While Biden was deplaning in South Korea for his visit there, the president could be seen getting off of the plane with his mask on only to take it off to greet South Korean officials on the tarmac.

There isn’t very much detail to this story other than the visuals provided.

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And there are those that will argue what’s the point of the video since everybody in that video are most likely vaccinated and masks are no longer mandated?

The face diapers are supposed to be a symbol of safety and security for a large portion of society that have been conditioned into thinking they’re germaphobes.

It might not seem like much, but what’s the point of the mask in the first place if you’re just going to take it off when you get around a group of people. Not that masks really aid in prevention of COVID or anything, but the point still remains.


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