Just when you thought it was safe to leave your house for the holidays, the Biden regime trotted out COVID fear monger — and kinda doctor — Anthony Fauci one more time to tell those who chose not to get vaccinated that they will be the only ones to have health problems this winter.
“The real danger is in the people who have not been vaccinated,” Fauci said on Tuesday. “If we’re going to see a problem this winter, it’s going to be among those people.”
Let’s take a page out of the left’s book. “Those people?” What do you mean “those people,” bigot? Are you “othering” people who chose not to undergo your medical procedure?
Okay, now back to reality.
Maybe Fauci should worry about all the questions he’s about to undergo in inquiries next year in the Republican-led House, which he’s not even required to answer or even attend.
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If that weren’t enough, Fauci also spoke on the four tenets of his made-up COVID religion, “masking, vaccine, boosting, testing.” Basically, his comments were how you could ruin the holidays for everyone in your family by being a Fauci “Karen.”
He begins his comments pertaining to the subject matter above by saying that everyone should be vaccinated and boosted for both COVID and the flu. I can tell you from personal experience, the one time in my adult life I got the flu shot was the year I got the flu worse than any other year, if I got the flu at all in other years.
When we’re gathering at a family gathering for Thanksgiving or for Christmas, or for any other holiday as we get into the winter, it makes sense that you might want to get a test that day before you come into a place in which you might be infected and spread it or other people who might be there, in order to protect. So, masking is important, but you can count — masking, vaccine, boosting, testing. All of that is part of the spectrum of protecting yourself and your family.
Fauci: "When we're gathering at a family gathering for Thanksgiving or for Christmas...it makes sense that you might want to get a test that day before you come into a place in which you could be infected and spread it."pic.twitter.com/zFIxxKT3ab
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) November 22, 2022
Yeah, that’s part of a “spectrum,” alright.
Folks, don’t do what Fauci tells you to do. I’m not a doctor either, so don’t do what I tell you to do either. Get advice from your family doctor, or a doctor you’re seeing, and then make your own decision as to what’s best for you.
Enjoy your holidays! Don’t let “Faucis” — previously known as “Karens” — ruin the enjoyment of your life.
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After pardoning Thanksgiving turkeys, Joe Biden reminds everyone to get vaccinated, despite declaring the pandemic is over. pic.twitter.com/OCMJaJGZ9Q
— MRCTV (@mrctv) November 21, 2022