WH: Sorry We Lost, But the Last Two and a Half Weeks Have Been Great

Barbara Boland | November 21, 2014

How’s this for spin? White House senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer told reporters this morning, “We feel very good about how the last two and a half weeks have gone here.”

Not to be outdone in delusion, he continued: “Typically when you have a change in power in Congress, the new Congressional majority dominates the conversation and drives the discussion. Since essentially right after the election, it’s been the President who has been driving the discussion in this town, moving forward aggressively on core priorities.”

The reason “the new Congressional majority dominates the conversation” after an election is because they won the right to, something this administration doesn’t seem to understand.

Pfeiffer kept spinning though – telling reporters at the roundtable for the Christian Science Monitor that Democrats lost the midterms because of “geography:”

There is no question for an array of reasons, the geography of the various Senate races, the President was not in a position — let me put it this way. The 2014 Congressional action was very much around local issues. It was not about a broader discussion. I think that was the right strategic decision. We were not in the place to make an aggressive argument for our agenda like the President did last night. I think we feel, post-election, we have had good opportunities to do that around the climate agreement with China, net neutrality, and now around immigration last night.

So before the election, Obama conceded the midterms were a referendum on his agenda, but after Democrats lost them badly, they’re now about geography and “very much local issues?”




h/t: Mediaite