Waters: Trump is ‘Dangerous to the United States of America’

ashley.rae | February 6, 2017

While speaking at a press briefing on Monday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said “eventually, we’ve got to do something” about President Trump since he is “dangerous to the United States of America.”

During a press briefing with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Waters was asked about a statement she made claiming her “greatest desire” would be to lead President Trump “right into impeachment.”

“I have not called for the impeachment—yet,” Waters said. “He’s doing it himself. Let me just say that the statement I made was a statement in response to questions and pleas that I’m getting from the many citizens across this country.”

Waters then criticized Trump for allegedly having a positive relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though Trump maintains he is not friends with Putin.

Waters accused Russia of hacking the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee, along with bombing Syria and even reportedly advancing into Korea (Waters later clarified on Twitter that she meant Crimea):

What are we going to do? How can a president who is acting in the manner that he’s acting—whether he’s talking about the travel, the way that he’s targeting Muslims, or the way that he’s talking about his relationship to Putin and the Kremlin and knowing that they hacked our DCCC and DNC and knowing that he’s responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families in—uhm, in uhm, yeah, in Aleppo—and the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.

Waters stated that people will begin to ask what can be done about Trump, which will force people “do something about him”:

I think that he is leading himself to that kind of position where folks will begin to ask, ‘What are we going to do?’ and the answer is going to be, eventually, we’ve got to do something about him. We cannot continue to have a president who’s acting in this manner. It is dangerous to the United States of America.

Pelosi, when asked if she agreed, said the point of her press conference was to talk about the “assault that the Trump administration is making on America’s working families.”



Waters added to her statement in a video posted on Twitter, saying Trump has “done enough in the short period of time for questions to be raised about whether or not he’s acting in the best interest of this country:



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