If I didn’t know any better I would’ve thought that the scene in Tijuana, left by those in the migrant caravan, was the aftermath of a Leftist protest — literal garbage everywhere. The city of Tijuana looked like a clothing store after close of business on Black Friday, except worse.
Multimedia journalist for Fox News Kyle Rothenberg posted a video to Twitter of a snippet of all the garbage and destruction that migrants in the “caravan” headed to the U.S. left behind once “#Mexico police moved most of them about 15 miles away from the border” on Friday.
In the short video, you can clearly see clothes strewn everywhere, fences broken and makeshift huts left behind with no consideration for the people that actually live in Tijuana.
Here’s Rothenberg’s Twitter post:
Tons of trash and clothes left behind by #caravan #migrants at the #TijuanaBorder shelter this morning. #Mexico police moved most of them about 15 miles away from the border yesterday to a different camp @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/bU6tEyEeo0
— Kyle Rothenberg (@kylerothenberg) December 1, 2018
According to Twitchy:
Edgar Corzo, who heads Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission’s migrant rights division, called the situation “unmanageable” and added that they’d discovered four cases of chicken pox, while an aid group said it was “dealing with lice and nit infestations as well as many respiratory infections.”
That was [last] Thursday; we’re now hearing that Mexican police moved most of the migrants about 15 miles away to a different camp, and what was the temporary shelter now looks like the National Mall after a climate change rally or even a sidewalk in Rep. Maxine Waters’ district.
People on Twitter didn’t seem all that shocked at the footage:
If you’re in the migrant “caravan,” leaving scenes like the one above behind probably won’t endear you to the people you’re trying to persuade to let you into their country, or to the country that currently is letting you squat there.
Basic human decency requires participation by both parties, not just the one that can help.