Welcome back for the latest installment of Things That Need To Be Said. Depending on which platform you like, or which platform you support, the Rumble version is above, and the YouTube version is down below.
While people get upset over the actions of the Biden regime, we see them singularly on a day by day basis. When you put them all together, the magnitude of the downward turn of the U.S. becomes both clear and shocking.
Check out my latest commentary where I've compiled the "trials and tribulations" of a regime that seems to care very little about the people it's supposed to represent.
Don't forget to watch the video at the top or below. Stay tuned to MRCTV for more!
Sources: Real Clear Politics (Biden/Job Approval Rating), Real Clear Politics (Harris/Job Approval Rating), Wall Street Journal, The Post Millennial, MRCTV ('48 Percent'), ABC News (Murder Records), Chicago Sun-Times, New York Times, NPR, ABC News (Hawaii), Fox News, New York Post, MRCTV (Texas Synagogue), Townhall, PBS, NBC News, Yahoo! News