WATCH: CNN Asked 5 Women If They Believe Kavanaugh Over Ford

Brittany M. Hughes | September 21, 2018

Taking a momentary break from painting all women as one giant screaming liberal hoard, CNN asked a group of five Florida ladies if they believed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s denial that he sexually assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a party while he was in high school some 35 years ago.

And suffice it to say, the group’s response may not have gone exactly as CNN planned. Watch this:

“A show of hands, how many of you believe Judge Kavanaugh when he says this didn’t happen?” CNN’s Randi Kaye asked the women, whom CNN identified as all being Republican.

All five hands went up.

“How can you believe the word of a woman about something that happened 36 years ago when this guy has an impeccable reputation?” one woman asked.

Two other women brought up Kavanaugh’s age when the alleged incident happened, saying men shouldn’t be investigated for accusations brought up nearly 40 years after high school.

“Why didn’t she come out sooner, if she’s telling the truth?” another woman asked.

“Why not have a thorough inverstigation instead of just the two of them instead of he-said-she-said?” Kaye pressed, seemingly surprised at the response she was getting.

“Because it doesn’t matter. It does not matter,” one of the women answered.

It’s no wonder CNN was annoyed by their little focus group, considering the network has spent the last week throwing around all kinds of accusations presented as fact in an attempt to demonize Kavanaugh. Senior Political Commentator David ‘Rodham’ Gergen painted a picture of “Christine versus Goliath” in a discussion with Anderson Cooper Thursday, saying, “[Republicans] control a lot of this and in some ways it's going to be a David versus Goliath or Christine versus Goliath and that’ll be tough for her but she may be a more sympathetic character as a result.”

On the network’s “New Day” Thursday morning, co-host John Bermanclaimedthat Republicans have managed to "corner" Ford into testifying only under "excruciating" terms. CNN host Chris Cuomo falsely claimedthe FBI had “said nothing” about Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh, despite the agency having repeatedly declined to take up the case saying 35-year-old sexual harassment claims aren’t within their purview. The network also dedicated virtually zero airtime to two witnesses Ford had named in her story who came forward to defend Kavanaugh against her assault claims, despite spending hours talking about Ford’s accusations.