WATCH: Biden’s SOTU Didn’t ‘Have The Time’ To Acknowledge 13 Very Specific People

Nick Kangadis | March 3, 2022


Thanks for joining me one more time for the best kept secret in the conservative movement, Things That Need To Be Said. Depending on your preference, you can watch either Rumble or YouTube versions of this video, with YouTube being the video above and Rumble being the video below.

During Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, Beijing Biden didn’t “have the time” to talk about 13 very specific people that were affected by, perhaps, his biggest blunder.

Related: Kamala Harris Seen Mouthing 'It's a Shame' After Biden's False Gun Mfr. Lawsuit Claim

Check out my latest commentary where I make the time to remember those that Biden didn’t have the courage to talk about.

Don't forget to watch either the video above or below. Stay tuned to MRCTV for more!


Sources: San Clemente Times, My Brain (Take pity on me for sitting through that abomination of an address)

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