Watch: Antifa Harasses Street Preachers

Eric Scheiner | August 29, 2022
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Social media video appears to show black masked Antifa members harassing and attacking street preachers in Portland, Oregon over the weekend.

Reporter Andy Ngo shared a series of videos on Twitter purportedly showing Antifa ripping apart signs, throwing fireworks at people and attacking the preachers at an outdoor market event downtown.


The clash may have only been part of Antifa activities in Portland last week. Big League Politics reports that Antifa was attempting to create a “SSPAZ” (fitting name really).

Militants affiliated with the street terror group were seen demanding documentation from locals on Sunday night, attempting to act as de facto border guards for the so-called “Salmon Springs Park Autonomous Zone.” When rebuffed, the militant deployed chemical weapons against a journalist documenting the street tyranny.


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