Wacky MOLE: Media Rants Of Rats And Racism

Eric Scheiner | August 2, 2019

In this weeks Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression:

It was a week of rats and racism in the leftist media. After President Trump tweeted that Rep. Elijah Cummings’ District in Baltimore was crime and rat infested the media went nuts. Even though the city has issues with rats and crime, the media pushed the comments as “racism.”

It didn’t seem to matter to the leftist media that Cummings himself once referred to Baltimore as drug-infested, the racist narrative had to be pushed.

CNN’s Don Lemon really hammered the narrative hard at the Democratic Presidential Debates. The CNN Tonight host pushed the candidates on the stage to attack President Trump’s “racist rhetoric” and “racist tweets attacking Baltimore.” 

CNN panels declared that not only is Trump a racist, but also anyone who votes for him is as well.

It’s been clear for a long time that CNN is part of the anti-Trump resistance. From morning to night, the various journalists, hosts and panelists on the network make that obvious. Still, it’s nice when someone comes out and admits it.  And that was precisely the gift that Democratic Operative Karen Finney bestowed upon them this week, when she told them she was “particularly proud” of them for pushing the “racist” narrative.

For more liberal media wackiness check out NewsBusters.