Vice Unifier-In-Chief Says She Used To Ask As a Child, 'Why Are Conservatives Bad, Mommy?'

Brittany M. Hughes | March 7, 2023
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Vice Unifier-in-Chief Kamala Harris joked Monday that as a child, she used to ask her mother why conservatives were “bad” because she didn’t understand why “conserving” wasn’t a good thing.

In all honesty, it’s a good question - too bad Harris here never figured it out.

"We called it ecology at the time. So, some of us who were born around that time know what I’m saying. And we talked about it in the context of conservation," the Vice President explained to the audience at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities in Colorado Monday during a talk on the Biden administration’s multi-trillion-dollar green energy agenda.

“I went home one day and I said, ‘Why are conservatives bad, Mommy?’ Because I thought we were supposed to conserve! Ha ha ha! I couldn’t reconcile it. Now I can!” Harris went on, laughing.

Nope, not a joke - that's the Vice President of the United States calling millions of people in her nation - nearly half of the country, in fact - “bad.”

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In truth, “conservatives” get their descriptor largely by adhering to the idea that a person’s God-given natural rights should be conserved in their most individual and original state, and not surrendered to big government or stripped away to appease popular trends or the shifting opinions of the masses. It's a far cry from the side of the ideological aisle that wants to steal people's income and give it to those who didn't earn it, spend never-ending piles of cash on pet political projects, dismantle a person's right to self-defense, and allow for the slaughter of a million children a year for the convenience of someone else - just to name a few.

And it’s an opinion Harris, who regularly advocates for government intervention and who rejects natural rights even down to a person’s right to life, doesn’t share.

But apparently, to the second highest in command in the entire nation, wanting to conserve individual freedom and liberty makes one “bad.”

Har har har.

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