We’ve seen it with biblical stories, news stories and stories about journalists. Hollywood doesn’t like actual history, so they create their own version of it. And they don’t seem to care much about accuracy.
“First Man,” the upcoming biopic about the late Neil Armstrong and NASA’s mission to the moon in 1969, is reportedly going to leave Armstrong's planting of the American flag out of the film.
The film’s star, Ryan Gosling, is defending the decision to leave a pretty important part of history out of the movie.
“I think this was widely regarded in the end as a human achievement [and] that's how we chose to view it," Gosling told The Telegraph. "I also think Neil was extremely humble, as were many of these astronauts, and time and time again he deferred the focus from himself to the 400,000 people who made the mission possible.”
Yes, the moon landing was a “human achievement.” But, it was also a huge part of a Cold War race with the Soviet Union, so the planting of the American flag was an extremely important piece of the first moon landing’s history.
The Telegraph noted:
The planting of the flag was controversial in 1969. There was disagreement over whether a US or United Nations flag should be used. Armstrong said later: "In the end it was decided by Congress that this was a United States project. We were not going to make any territorial claim, but we were to let people know that we were here and put up a US flag.
"My job was to get the flag there. I was less concerned about whether that was the right artefact to place. I let other, wiser minds than mine make those kinds of decisions.”
If Armstrong thought that “wiser minds” than his made the decision to plant the American flag after landing on the moon, then it seems that the action was a pretty important detail of the event.
“So I don't think that Neil viewed himself as an American hero,” Gosling continued. “From my interviews with his family and people that knew him, it was quite the opposite. And we wanted the film to reflect Neil.”
A biopic about Neil Armstrong should reflect the man. But, that man was also acting on behalf of the United States of America. He was an American, and he and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin did plant the American flag on the moon.
Leaving out a detail because Hollywood is filled with globalists and “humanists” just means the story is less valid as a historical piece.
To see the trailer for the film, watch below:
H/T: Daily Caller