Union Supporters Chant the Most Idiotic Slogans in Michigan Capital

Stephen Gutowski | March 22, 2011

The stupidity encapsulated within this video is astonishing.

Thankfully Larry O'Connor of Breitbart TV has blasted this idiotic chant for us and I can now avoid the brain aneurysm that would inevitably result from me thinking about this video for more than five seconds:

Free? So, teachers don't get paid? Oh, teachers DO get paid. So who pays the teachers? Oh. So, it isn't really free, is it? What they mean to chant is: "No cuts. No fees (for me), My education should be paid for by someone else." But, that doesn't really rhyme, does it?

No it doesn't, Larry. Then again when are geniuses like this ever worried about rhyme or reason?