Kinda comedienne Chelsea Handler is a hot pile of garbage, and that isn’t meant to offend actual hot piles of garbage. Apparently she doesn’t think much of gay people, because she used a gay joke to make a U.S. Senator look the “evil pig” she most likely thinks he is.
Handler took to Twitter on Thursday to tell one of her typically unfunny jokes. Thursday was apparently National Coming Out Day, which is a day that promotes closeted gay people to come out and proclaim their true identity.
Handler decided to use the day to make a joke about Republicans, in particular Sen. Lindsey Graham (D-S.C.), implying that Graham himself should “come out of the closet,” as if that would be a bad thing if he was in fact gay.
For the record, Graham has stated that he is not gay (see video below).
Check out Handler’s tweet below:
(Crickets) Was that supposed to be funny? If it was, I would say so. But, Handler’s brand of comedy is and always has been consistently unfunny, and that’s even before I knew her political slant.
In response, Graham spoke to TMZ on Friday and basically discounted Handler’s existence, which was mildly amusing on its own.
“I don’t think much of what she says at all,” Graham told TMZ. “She wants to live her life that way, that’s up to her.”
You can view Graham’s full comments here:
For someone who’s supposedly so “woke” that she quit her Netflix show to become more politically active, she had no problem equating being gay with people from a political party that she routinely rails on.
Does that mean Handler thinks being gay is a negative thing?
We expected more from you, Chelsea! Okay, that’s a lie. We never expect much from you in the form of saying something intelligent. But, keep it up! You’re doing a great job being the ignorant hypocrite that we’ve all come to know and loathe.