Un-Vaxxed CA Students Corralled Outside By LA-Area School

P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 20, 2022

Offering a shocking, but apt, metaphor to how governments corral and trap taxpayers against their wills, the California-based non-profit Let Them Breathe recently released a series of video clips evidently taken by students at the Grade 8-12 Campus of New West Charter School, in West Los Angeles.

New West Charter School in Los Angeles confirmed that management had implemented a vaccine and negative-test mandate for students and that a group of unvaccinated students had staged “a sit-in” on campus and refused to leave the school.

On January 18, Let Them Breathe posted the cell-phone video of one student who offered her name and said of herself and five other girls sitting outside on the pavement:

And we’re being threatened to be suspended because we don’t have the COVID-19 vaccine. And we’re being refused of the right to attend school.

A student beside her added:

We feel we’re being segregated and discriminated.

And she continued, showing red and yellow tape and police officers beyond it:

And we’re being closed off by this caution tape-like-thing. We’re being segregated from the rest of the school.



Let Them Breathe added in text:

Unvax students at New West Charter LA segregated behind barriers & not allowed to attend class. They asked for chairs, were denied & are sitting on the pavement, not allowed to even use restroom. LAPD is on site but not intervening. Litigation from Let Them Choose already pending.

Indeed. Let Them Breathe, which originally focused on mask mandates in CA schools, recently started its offshoot, Let Them Choose, to fight jab mandates.

In December, the organization won a legal battle against the San Diego Unified School District over its policy that students who cannot prove they have taken an experimental mRNA injection cannot attend physical classes.

And Let Them Choose states on the fundraiser page for this suit against New West Charter:

This is a separate fundraiser to fund our lawsuit on behalf of families against New West Charter School student C19 V mandates. New West Charter is located in West Los Angeles and has a V mandate for all students ages 12 and up.

Based on the precedent set by the victory against San Diego Unified, it appears as if Let Them Choose is in a strong legal position. On December 20, Times of San Diego reporter Debbie Sklar wrote:

San Diego Superior Court Judge John Meyer said the district’s mandate, which does not permit religious or personal belief exemptions, contradicts state law, because only the state legislature has the authority to implement such mandates without exemptions.

Of course, one can question the claim about whether the state legislature can – constitutionally or morally – mandate such things, but this Let Them Choose victory might be a warning to New West Charter. In October, CA governor Gavin Newsom issued an “order” that all schools “teaching” kids aged 5 and up force their students to get jabbed or deny them on-site attendance, but this was not followed by a new statute from the CA Assembly, and, according to ABC10 CA News, in current state code, any new “vaccine” added “by anyone other than the legislature” to the list of mandated jabs for on-site attendance must include a “personal belief exemption.”

New West Charter’s Principal and Executive Director, Sharon Weir, appears to be unaware, or dismissive, of this information and of the immorality of aggressive force applied to kids and taxpayers.

In a statement to the Washington Examiner, New West Charter School said that it had implemented a vaccine mandate for students following the conclusion of winter break and had achieved 96% compliance, but “six students who did not follow the new policy still attempted to participate in classes.” 

The school said that it then asked the students and their parents to 'leave campus,' a demand the students refused to follow.

In more video posted by Let Them Choose, Weir can be seen approaching the “construction tape corral” in which her administration had placed the kids, standing beside the slack-jawed police, and, with infinite abruptness, telling the kids to leave campus because, as she described it they were “causing a disruption” and that if they did not leave, they would be suspended. She told the students she was not going to answer questions, and then she left the kids there, surrounded by the tape and the cops, as one student said:

So, suspension without a hearing…

Looks like it.

And Ms. Weir wasn’t even open to the kids’ request for chairs. They were forced to sit on the tar, according to another student video, posted by Let Them Choose.

That wasn’t all.

According to another student video posted by the organization, the kids weren’t allowed to enter the school to use the restroom.

They offered me to go to the park, that’s around the corner. But the door’s locked, technically. So, I can’t really leave. (Indicating the school bathrooms…) and, they’re right there. You can’t—they’re not letting us go to the restroom.

At what point does one take off the blinders and see child abuse, conducted by tax-fed bureaucrats and facilitated by tax-fed police?

The legal situation may appear to be conducive to the Let Them Choose suit against this school system, but these kids already have suffered.

And taxpayers will continue to suffer, for, just like the kids trapped in the system and literally surrounded like animals in a pen, taxpayers are penned-in and threatened all the time.

If a private school had engaged in this behavior, it would be considered criminal abuse in the least, perhaps even kidnapping.

But under the public school paradigm, everyone is victimized, and forced to pay for insanity such as this and other bizarre government activities.

Freedom for these kids couldn’t come sooner.

Likewise, for the liberty of innocent people forced to pay for the system.


Related: Cali School Admin Finally Backs Off Mandating Students Chant To Aztec God Of HUMAN SACRIFICE | MRCTV