Twitter Suspends Vaccine-Critical Group After It Merely MENTIONS Legally Obtaining 3K More Fauci Emails

P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 6, 2021

It’s been a banner week for Big Tech censorship.

First, we got to enjoy the ironic backfire of Microsoft’s Bing search engine censoring the iconic image of “Tank Man” from the 1989 Tiananmen Square, Beijing, massacre – censorship that drew additional attention to Tank Man and the massacre even as it drew equal attention to that censorship and Big Tech subservience to China.

Now, we get Twitter suspending diligent reporters for a non-profit merely because the reporters mentioned that they got 3,000 more of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails - via a legal Freedom of Information Act request.

The organization is ICAN, the Informed Consent Action Network, which is a Texas-based non-profit that works to promote informed consent when it comes to vaccines. It’s most recognizable figure, Del Bigtree, is an Emmy Award recipient who left his production work for the non-fiction series, “The Doctors,” and dedicated his skills and energy to the network's efforts. 

Following-up on the revelation that Buzzfeed and The Washington Post had obtained 3,000 early 2020 Fauci emails via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, ICAN released its own announcement that it had utilized a FOIA request to obtain 3,000 MORE.

Given Twitter’s record of left-leaning, pro-big government, anti-individualist censorship and shadow-banning, many readers will not find this surprising.

Related: Twitter Now Asks Your Race When It Dislikes Posts

Yet it still is confounding, troubling, and, for Jack Dorsey and Twitter, downright self-defeating.

On June 3, columnist Michelle Malkin tweeted:

My friends at @ICANdecide were suspended by Twitter today for reporting that they have 3,000 additional pages of Fauci's emails they obtained thru FOIA! They'll be posting at tonight. Spread the word & help crowdsource review of the emails!

That’s right. Twitter reportedly suspended ICAN – not for publishing anything Twitter could possibly call “false,” but for merely MENTIONING that it had obtained the new batch of Fauci emails. ICAN didn’t even link to the emails, and if it had, those emails were obtained through the statutorily required Freedom of Information Act channels.

Writes Jack Hadfield, for NationalFile:

Speaking exclusively to National File, Del Bigtree, the founder of ICAN, said it was ‘ironic’ that Twitter shut down their account, given the emails that were to be published were obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, a piece of legislation designed to allow the public access to otherwise hidden government information…

Precisely right, and it is worth offering Del Bigtree’s own words, as Hadfield noted in his NationalFile piece:

They all seem to allude to anything that goes against WHO (World Health Organization) statements or guidelines or the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) will be censored. I think that number one, the WHO is not an American agency, and so I find that very troubling that we have Americans and American company that is referring to an international or foreign body for how we communicate in this country, I think, is a very dangerous precedent.. We’re being told now that questioning a government agency is illegal or misinformation or dangerous information. That’s exactly the point of journalism, especially in the United States of America, our Founding Fathers referred to the news or the media as the fourth estate, or the fourth branch of government.

Clearly, Twitter’s actions have drawn even more attention to the fact that politically-connected, government promoting sites and “journalists” can’t be trusted to question the agents of the state.

Twitter has since come out and stated that they suspended ICAN's account "in error," according to a Newsweek article which quoted a company spokesperson. The decision has been reversed, they added.

Yet, by trying to silence ICAN in the first place, Dorsey and his muzzlers have duplicated the effect of Bing’s censorship of the Tank Man photo from Tiananmen Square. Twitter has amplified the story, and is creating more interest in people going to ICAN to see the new Fauci revelations.