Twitter Employee Deactivates Trump's Account on His Last Day

ashley.rae | November 3, 2017

Liberal media figures everywhere rejoiced when, for a mere 11 minutes, President Trump’s Twitter account was deactivated. According to Twitter, the account was deactivated by a rogue employee on his last day.

In a tweet on Thursday evening, Twitter originally blamed “human error by a Twitter employee” for the account outage:

However, then after an investigation, Twitter wrote that the account was intentionally deactivated by a Twitter employee “on the employee’s last day”:

On Thursday morning, Trump stated it was a “rogue employee” who deactivated his account:

The Washington Post claims the outage occurred at 6:45 p.m. ET.

Despite the fact that Trump’s account being deactivated proves that Twitter employees have the power to deactivate accounts at whim, people were applauding the “hero” for his actions:

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