Trump to Veterans: ‘We Have Illegal Immigrants’ Treated Better Than You

Monica Sanchez | September 15, 2015

Image via Twitter

Ahead of the second round of Republican presidential candidate debates, Donald Trump held a campaign rally aboard the USS Iowa in Los Angeles on Tuesday. 

During the event, Trump laid out what he would do to take care of America’s veterans.

"I am with the veterans 100%," he said. "They're our greatest people. They're being treated terribly." 

“We’re gonna create a whole new system," Trump declared. "We’re going to take this system apart... The veterans are going to go to private doctors, private hospitals, public hospitals -- and we’re going to reimburse those doctors and those hospitals, and you're going to get the greatest service of any veterans of any country, because you deserve it."

He went on,

“We have illegal immigrants that are treated far better than our veterans.”

“It is not gonna happen anymore,” said Trump.

To watch his remarks, click here