Trump: My 'Great Wall' Will 'Have a Beautiful, Big Door Right in the Middle'

Craig Bannister | January 18, 2016

In a new video on illegal immigration, Republican presidential hopeful Donal Trump promises that the "great wall" he plans to build will be both effective and welcoming.

Trump says his border wall will have a huge door in the middle of it because he wants people to enter the U.S. - legally:

“We don’t have a country if we don’t have borders.”

“We will build a wall – it will be a great wall – it will do what it’s supposed to do: keep illegal immigrants out.

“Now, that said, we’re going to have a beautiful, big door right in the middle of that wall. And, people are going to come into our country, and they’re going to come in legally. And, we want people to come in, and we want to treat people fairly – but, we either have a country or we don’t.”


Illegal Immigration

If we don’t have borders, we don’t have a country. We need to BUILD A WALL that will keep illegal immigrants out.

Posted by Donald J. Trump on Monday, January 18, 2016