Trump Set To Reopen Gov't - Maintains Wall Vow

Eric Scheiner | January 25, 2019
President Trump said Friday that he will support a short-term spending bill to reopen the government, temporarily ending the partial government shutdown, but vows that a "powerful wall" will be built.

“I am very proud to announce we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government,” Trump said.

The deal would keep the government open for three weeks until Feb. 15, a bill would go before the Senate immediately. 

Trump made reference to his previous comments about declaring a national emergency in order to fund a border wall - and hinted he may still use the option.

"We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or a steel barrier," Trump said. "If we don't get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shutdown on February 15th - again. Or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency. We will have great security."

The president says for the time being, he's hopeful negotiations will continue and that both parties will come to an agreement on wall funding.

"Walls should not be controversial," he said.