Transwoman Becomes Sports Illustrated's Latest Swimsuit Edition Cover Model

Brittany M. Hughes | May 16, 2023
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Having apparently run out of viable women to feature bikini-clad on the front cover of their magazine – so much so that Martha Stewart is now in the lineup – Sports Illustrated is showcasing a biological man on the 2023 cover of its famous swimsuit edition.

And he’s not exactly modeling board shorts.

Kim Petras, a male who believes he’s a female and who has spent exorbitant amounts of money making himself appear as feminine as possible, is the latest celeb to grace the front of the iconic magazine sporting gobs of makeup and a gold bedazzled bikini top over fake breasts.

The 30-year-old German-born singer has garnered fame in recent years not only because of his music, but because of his story of how he surgically “transitioned” genders at the young age of 16. He’s perhaps most well known for performing “Unholy,” a song co-written with Sam Smith, in a satanic-inspired display at the 2023 Grammy Awards. The song also landed Petras as the first “transwoman” to hit the No. 1 spot on the U.S. billboard charts.

Related: Trans Person Whines About Mother's & Father's Days: 'Which One Do I Celebrate?'

Now, he’s Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit cover, a spot historically reserved for women (however objectifying). And suffice it to say, the internet wasn’t exactly chorusing his praises in unison.

Of course, plenty of delusional people jumped into the comments to defend Petras and Spots Illustrated's move to put a surgically modified man in a women's bathing suit on high-gloss display, peddling the usual tropes that men can, in fact, be women and that biological men are "transphobic" if they don't find castrated men with fake breasts just as attractive as biological females.

At the end of the day, Petras? Still a dude. And Sports Illustrated? Still a rag.

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