Transgender Marriage Proposal at White House LBGT Pride Reception

Alicia Powe | June 18, 2012

President Barack Obama hosted a reception at the White House Friday to observe Gay Pride Month reassuring gay supporters that they will have a friend and "fellow advocate" in the White House as long as he is president.

While some Americans may still be evolving on same-sex marriage, he and his wife, Michelle, "have made up our minds on this issue," said President Obama to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender guests during the White House reception.

The President said even though it may have taken more time than they would like, gays and lesbians have seen progress and lasting change under his administration and championed his administration's repeal of the military's ban on openly gay service members.

Just minutes after President Obama's address to leaders of the LGBT community, a transgender man dropped down on one knee in the main hallway on the first floor of the White House and proposed to her partner.The transgendered man, Scout, director of the Network for LGBT Health Equity, whose full name is legally one word, popped the question to Liz Margolies, the executive director of the National LGBT Cancer Network.

Their marriage will be recognized because Scout is legally male and they therefore have the same rights as other heterosexual couples. Scout later told the Huffington Post, " Gay marriage laws don't stop us, they just impact all the people we love and obviously leave us a little chary about the institution in general."