Topless Protester Gropes Wax Trump Statue in Madrid

ashley.rae | January 18, 2017

A topless FEMEN activist in Spain -- which is notably not part of the United States -- protested the election of Donald Trump by groping a statue of Trump in Madrid’s wax museum on Tuesday.

According to Reuters, the woman, with “GRAB THE PATRIARCHY BY THE BALLS” written across her back, screamed, “Grab the patriarchy by the balls!” as she ran past security ropes to grab the crotch of the Trump statue.

FEMEN claimed responsibility for the act on their Twitter account, writing, “We just grabbed him back…”

Gonzalo Presa, the spokesperson for the Madid wax museum, said, “If they want to do this, they should do it directly to him. This is too easy.”

FEMEN is known for its topless protests in Russia.

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