Minn. State Rep. Pushes For Tax-Funded 'Refuge' To Castrate Trans Kids

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | March 25, 2024
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A video from earlier this month is going viral on X showing Minnesota State Rep. Leigh Finke, a biologically male "transwoman," stating that he/she wanted to devote more Minnesota tax money toward making the state a refuge for kids who “are transgender" and to help train more doctors on how to provide sex change surgeries and puberty blockers for minors.

During the nearly one-hour long presentation at the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities on March 8, Finke advocated for “legal action on trans and nonbinary rights.”  

Finke represents District 66A in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He’s Vice Chair of the Legacy Finance Committee and also serves on the Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy, Human Services Policy, and Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committees. Most notably, he’s also Chair of the Queer Caucus in the state. No surprises there.

“If you promise trans refuge then you need to increase the number of people who are offering gender affirming care because we already have a shortage," Finke said in the video clip, which was shared on Sunday,

Finke is one of those people who believes that "gender-affirming care” includes chemically poisoning a child's body with cross-sex hormones, stopping the natural processes of puberty, and surgically removing, adding, or “changing” the appearance of gender-specific genitals - all of which often lead to deep regret, worsened depression, infertility, and physical and mental health complications, and none of which actually do any gender changing. Nonetheless, Finke wants taxpayer money to go toward luring kids into Minnesota as refuge to get these procedures done.

Finke also wants to lure gender-affirming “care” providers from other states.

We have some money, hopefully we can pass, to help entice people to move from those states who also practice gender-affirming care. If you live in Missouri and all your clients can no longer access care, well, if they’re leaving, you might also be interested in coming with your clients and going to a place where you can serve without prosecution.

He even explained that he wanted to implement internship and fellowship programs for providers to learn how to groom and ruin the lives of kids … though he called it “gender-affirming care.”

In response to the video which has more than 600,000 views so far, users were perturbed.

Related: 'Queer Power': First Trans Queer ‘Woman’ Elected For MN House

“How is this person allowed to be a representative of the people while putting kids in danger?” a user asked.

“It’s disgusting how he uses the word 'care' as a euphemism for sęx change surgery and puberty blockers. There’s nothing caring about pushing gender ideology onto children and then mųtilating them in its name. That should get any adult who’s involved life in prison,” another said while others called Finke a “pedophile,” a “cockroach” and a “POS.”

While I can’t comment on whether or not I agree with those users' analysis on Finke (*hint hint, *wink wink, *nudge nudge) I can say that any surgeries or procedures that harm kids, or harm anyone for that matter, shouldn’t be considered “care,” shouldn’t be part of healthcare, and certainly shouldn’t be covered by taxpayer funds.

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