Drag Queen Principal Reportedly Previously Arrested for Child Porn

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | August 31, 2023
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This year, Dr. Shane Murnan will take on the role of principal at the John Glenn Elementary school in Oklahoma’s Western Heights public school district. According to a report from The Blaze, on top of being a drag queen, Murnan served a probation sentence for a marijuana charge, was in trouble for an undisclosed alleged offense AND has gotten caught for allegedly possessing child porn. 

Yeah, that’s the man who’s gonna have total authority over 400 students from pre-kindergarten through fourth grade. 

Murnan’s history is convoluted and twisted but extremely important for understanding the complexity of his situation as well as the threat he poses in his new position of power. 

Murnan began teaching fifth grade at an elementary school in Oklahoma back in 2001, he was arrested and charged with possessing both drugs and child pornography. At the time however two out of three judges determined that prosecutors hadn’t proven that victims were underage - yet one judge disagreed and said the pictures “do represent child pornography,” The Blaze noted.

Murnan served a short probation sentence for the marijuna but had his record expunged in 2003. Then, as noted by V1SUT on Substack, Murnan began his drag queen career a few years later. He really made a name for himself as drag queen "Shantel Mandalay". He frequently performed and was even named Miss Oklahoma FFL, a pageant for drag queens in 2023. 

He and a few friends launched the Oklahoma City Drag Queen Story Hour Inc. in 2018 to get the chance to indoctrinate and groom kids through literature. The Metropolitan Library System boldly proclaimed Mandalay’s appearance at a story hour where he planned to “introduce little ones to the magic of reading through stories about love, self-expression, and family,” according to a screenshot on the Libs of TikTok Twitter account.

Mandalay seems to love combining his love of pretending to be a girl and education. As a matter of fact, he reportedly once told this super pro-gay outlet called "The Gayly" that his teaching career helped him prepare for reading stories to kids as a drag queen. "I have always loved education and working with kids hoping to make a difference. Now I'm able to combine both my passion for drag and education and hopefully change a child's life by letting them know it's okay to be whomever you would want to be."

Related: Back To Indoctrination With The Left’s Pro-LGBTQ ‘Teachers’

As The Blaze reported, on June 12 of this year, the schol board for the Western Heights School District in Oklahoma held a meeting to decide on who would be filling administrative positions at schools in the area. As mentioned, Murnan was selected to fill the role of principal at John Glenn Elementary School. Surprisingly, even though most of these school board meetings are public, this one was not. 

Hmm. I wonder why a school would try to be discrete about hiring someone for a supreme role of authority after a history like that! 

All this to say, the public school system is going to s**t and if you haven’t yet realized that the left is out for your kids, wake the hell  up. 

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