Terrifying Pro-Hillary Ad Features Bill In Drag

danjoseph | March 17, 2015

A group called "Bill For First Lady 2016" has released one of the creepiest ads of the Internet age in order to promote the idea that Hillary Clinton should be elected president.

The video features what appears to be a man wearing an oversized  Bill Clinton head, running around various locals and holding up a big sign that says "Bill For First Lady 2016."

The Clinton impersonator is adorned in various outfits including a red dress (blue obviously wouldn't work), a star spangled bikini and high heels to match. It is truly horrific. 

The group was started by gay rights activist, Luke Montgomery who had previously gone by the moniker of "Luke Sissyfag."  A statement on the "Bill for First Lady" website describes the group as a PAC.

"We are a national online grassroots movement of young Americans to support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 and make "herstory" by putting a woman in the White House. With a focus on creating youthful viral videos, catchy campaign memes and sharable social media content, as well as live "Bill" campaign events in cities and on college campuses across the nation, BillForFirstLady2016.com PAC (Political Action Committee) is a strategic effort to move, motivate and inspire younger voters to get involved."

It is unclear how successful the campaign will be in getting Hillary and Bill back in the White House, but it's almost sure to succeed in scaring the bejeezus out of small children.  

Hat Tip: Legal Insurrection