Ted Cruz: Inflation's 'So Bad Hunter Biden Can't Afford Crack Cocaine!'

Nick Kangadis | October 28, 2022
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Some things people say are just funny. And when you can combine a mockery assault against a trifecta like domestic terrorist group Antifa, far-left Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and the supremely corrupt Hunter Biden, you've got yourself a winning comedic formula.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) accomplished that feat earlier this month. The clip of Cruz speaking about inflation while stumping in New Mexico picked up steam once again after TPUSA journalist Benny Johnson retweeted the video.

"It is so bad Antifa can't afford bricks," Cruz said to laughter. "It is so bad, Eric Swalwell can't afford Chinese dinners! In fact, it's so bad Hunter Biden can't afford crack cocaine."

Related: Media Piles on After Yankees’ Fans Pour Hate on Sen. Cruz 

While Cruz shouldn't quit his day job, his foray into stand-up comedy could've been a lot worse. At least his targets were worthy recipients.


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