Surprise! Government Accountability Office: A Border Fence Improves Safety

Eric Scheiner | March 16, 2018

On Thursday the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report that states a border fence “had benefited border security operations in various ways.”

The statement comes to a surprise to exactly no one, except maybe Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), whose suggested alternative of “mowing the grass” at the border did not make the GAO recommendations.

“February 2017, we reported that border fencing had benefited border security operations in various ways, according to the Border Patrol. For example, according to officials, border fencing improved agent safety, helped reduce vehicle incursions, and supported Border Patrol agents’ ability to respond to illicit cross-border activities by slowing the progress of illegal entrants,” the GAO report states.

The report also shows that fence breaches make up the majority of “urgent tactical infrastructure repairs” at the southwest border. The repairs to current fencing came at an average cost of over $7.2 million over a 5-year period.

“At the time of our February 2017 review, the majority of urgent tactical infrastructure repairs on the southwest border were fence breaches, according to Border Patrol officials. From fiscal years 2010 through 2015, CBP recorded a total of 9,287 breaches in pedestrian fencing, and repair costs averaged $784 per breach.”


(GAO report photo)


This information follows the recent release of a report from the Center For Immigration Studies showing that, within 10 years, the border wall will pay for itself, if it prevents even 9-12% of illegal crossings, by saving taxpayers $12-15 billion on health care, schooling and other expenses.

Or we could just cut the grass. Right, Nancy?