Sting Video: Hillary's 'COMPLIANCE Manager' Illegally Accepts Foreign Contributions

Jeffdunetz | September 1, 2015

It seems as if Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign treats Federal Elections Commission (FEC) rules the same way Ms. Clinton treated federal secrecy rules. The elections law states that candidates are not allowed to take money from people who aren't U.S. citizens - or even take money from a third party acting as an agent for that non-citizen. At a Clinton campaign event in June, Project Veritas actors caught two senior Hillary staffers doing just that, apparently breaking those laws.

The purpose of the June event to was raise money for Hillary either via direct donations or by selling Hillary 2016 souvenirs. According to election laws, the souvenir sales are also considered a campaign donation. The undercover Project Veritas actors were at a booth where souvenir were sold.  Manning the booth were Molly Barker Director of Marketing for the Hillary 2016 Campaign and Erin Tibe the Hillary campaign's Compliance Manager (the compliance manager's job is to make sure all the campaign donations are legal).

While at the booth, the Veritas actor serendipitously met a woman from who drove all the way from Canada to give the Hillary campaign money, and buy some campaign tchachkes. At first, the two senior staffers refused the sale, apologizing and explaining election law doesn't let them sell the Hillary goods to a non-citizen.

However, the "friendly" Veritas actor volunteered to take the money and buy the goods for the Canadian. The staffers said "No" - then quickly changed their minds, knowing fully that they were breaking the law (it's all on the video embedded below). 

In the end, some may watch the video and wonder why a big deal is being made about one $75 foreign purchase. Actually, there are two reasons. First, because the people approving the purchase aren't low level volunteers without knowledge of the law. In fact, one of the people allowing the sale is the compliance manager - the person in charge of blessing all contributions as legal.

The second reason is that it fits a pattern. Along with the emails, and the possible conflicts of interest between Hillary's State Department and the Clinton Foundation revealed in the Peter Schweitzer book, "Clinton Cash," this is more evidence that Ms. Clinton is not a big believer in following basic rules of running/or campaigning for a government office.