This Year's Starbucks Holiday Campaign Features a Lesbian Couple

ashley.rae | November 7, 2017

Continuing its trend of perpetuating the “war on Christmas,” Starbucks released a new ad promoting its holiday cup that prominently features a lesbian couple.

The 30-second “Giving Good Starts With You” spot appears to show a lesbian couple leaning in for a kiss while holding hands over a cup of coffee:

The ad campaign claims, “The holidays mean something different for everyone.”

According to the Starbucks website, the new holiday cup allows drinkers to color in their own designs.

The lesbian couple in the advertisement has been met with fanfare online:

In 2015, Starbucks was first accused of waging a "war on Christmas" by celebrating the holiday with plain red cups instead of Christmas-themed ones.

In 2013, then-Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz told a shareholder who opposed his support for gay marriage they could sell their shares in the company. The move came after Schultz endorsed gay marriage in Washington state in 2012.

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