I’m really not sure how else to say this — a man…can’t…get pregnant. They just can’t. No matter how many of those on the left and just plain stupid people want things that aren’t to become reality, a man can’t get pregnant. Well, apparently stupidity isn’t exclusive to the U.S.
A politician in Spain was temporarily suspended by Twitter for saying that “A man cannot get pregnant” and that “A man has no womb or eggs,” which he says he was “forced to delete.”
Francisco Jose Contreras, who Fox News reported as being “deputy to Spain’s far-right Vox Party,” took to Facebook recently to explain why he was suspended by Twitter.
“The hateful tweet (which I was forced to delete) was one that said: ′′ A man cannot get pregnant. A man has no womb or eggs”,” Contreras posted. “You can see this is already fascist biology. Next time I'll try 2 + 2 = 4.”
Careful, sir. You might get suspended for not using the equally ridiculous common core math to somehow make two plus two equal five.
Fox reported that “Twitter declined to comment,” which is convenient because they seem to have an equally difficult time explaining to the people they suspend exactly what was wrong with what someone might’ve posted.
Ironically, supporters of Contreras reportedly began the Twitter hashtag, “#AManCannotBePregnant.”
They might be onto something because, in fact, a man cannot be pregnant.