SNL’s Hillary: ‘Citizens! You Will Elect Me, I will Be Your Leader!’

Barbara Boland | April 13, 2015

“Citizens! You will elect me, I will be your leader!” shouts an irritated Hillary Clinton into a cell phone on Saturday Night Live’s surprisingly harsh skit lampooning Hillary’s presidential announcement.

The skit shows Hillary running through her “social media” announcement with her assistant. She practices speaking into a cell phone (and trying not to bare her teeth) while also attempting to come across as “more personal” and “humble.”

“I am running because I want to be a voice for women everywhere,” says Hillary stiffly into a phone.

“Did someone say ‘women everywhere’?” asks Bill Clinton, popping up suddenly onstage.

“Hillary isn’t it crazy that phones can take videos now?” he asks. “I mean, if they could’ve done that in the ‘90s…. I’d be in jail.”

“Aren’t we such a fun, approachable, dynasty?” laughs Hillary awkwardly.

“Oh who am I kidding? Buckle up America, ‘cause the Clintons are back!” Hillary says in closing.


Watch the whole skit here: