Schools Are Pushing Kids As Young as FIVE Into Gun Protests

P. Gardner Goldsmith | March 21, 2018
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Yes, this is how absurd the tax-funded school system has become.

Kindergarteners are being wrangled into participating in, or brought outside to “watch,” the protests over “gun violence.”

As Reclaim Connecticut reports, WINY Radio recently posted a Facebook video revealing a kindergarten class walking by a high school anti-gun protest at Killingly High, in Dayville, Connecticut.

The video was removed due to complaints from local parents, but after just two hours online the comments were filled with intense emotions. After removing the video, WINY elaborated on the teacher’s explanation, which was that during a walk prompted by the warm weather the students seemingly stumbled upon the protest and the teacher, along with an unidentified parent joining in on the rally, chanted “stop the violence” briefly.

Nothing like a closed loop: force citizens to pay for a school system, regardless of whether they like the curriculum, or if they even have children at all, force the kids to attend, and then propagandize them from age five through 18.

And there’s more:

Many thought the school officials in question were politicizing children. While school trips are part of any curriculum, it remains unclear to (sic) if parents were aware of the children being brought by an anti-gun-violence rally.

Awesome. In this Tragedy of the Commons, where everyone’s private interests will be subsumed by the governments – local, county, state, and federal – that take their money, people will be pitted against each other, and most folks will be dissatisfied. Yet, they’ll still be forced to pay.

And this phenomenon is not isolated to Danville, CT.

As Leslie Brody reports for the Wall Street Journal, many schools are “wrestling” with how to “allow” their students to express their opinions on “gun violence" -- even though many of the kids are, according to policy, too young to be exposed to discussions about school shootings.

Schools are grappling with how to address the (protest) event with children as young as 5 years old and with finding ways for children who are too little to be told about school shootings to take part.

Yeah. That’s right. The lock-step attitude among many public school systems is, essentially, “Yes. Our policy is that the kids are too young to engage in discussions about gun violence, but we still want to encourage them to engage in protests and see walkouts, or be part of the gushing, emotion-driven ‘movement’ that will be used by the pop media to make it appear that the vast majority of children are asking for the government to curtail gun rights in order to ‘protect kids.'"

The facts that civilian-owned guns are used far more often to stop violent crimes than to engage in them, that while gun ownership skyrocketed in the U.S., violent crime, including gun crime, went down, and that some parents don’t want to pay for this kind of fact-sanitized version of so-called “education” are tossed out the window.

(A)t PS1 Pluralistic School in Santa Monica, Calif., elementary students wrote their wishes for a safer world on small pieces of rice paper, to be hung from a large piece of driftwood in a schoolwide ceremony. Children said they wished for houses for the homeless, kindness, an end to drought and more wishes. 

Really? Is that what it comes down to? A bunch of taxpayer-funded “emotion-farmers” in the guise of teachers, wrangling a corral full of human livestock to manipulate them and steer them on the path of emotion over facts while the lesson plans are tossed and things like math and reading take a back seat to the larger political agenda?

Of course it is. And, in fact, this has been part of the problem of government funded schooling since its inception.

As mentioned earlier, public schools are one of the most obvious examples of the Tragedy of the Commons, wherein citizens are forced to pay into a system regardless of their satisfaction or the fact that they might not even have kids using the system, where parents are forced to send their kids if the parents can’t afford to pay for private schools with their after-tax earnings or if they can’t homeschool, where even the kids themselves are supposed to have rights, but those rights are smothered by the fact that they all have to comply with school rules.

In Manchester, NH, the superintendent of schools had trouble handling what he acknowledged is the “right” to free speech existing beside the actual functioning of the school. In this case, he is willing to let the students “protest”, but not in every case. Even the ACLU had to weigh in to explain that, well, no, functionally speaking, kids -- even 18-year-olds -- lose most of their rights inside the government-run schools.

Meanwhile, a teacher in California was put on administrative leave merely for asking the students if a walkout to protest for a pro-life cause in the abortion debate would be given the same leniency as an anti-Second Amendment rally. And, of course, the facts about guns – including the fact an armed attacker in a Maryland school yesterday was stopped by an armed man in 60 seconds – are completely overlooked.

Is it any wonder why some folks look at the heart of the problem, the taxpayer funded schools, and say something needs to change?

Perhaps we could have a school walkout to protest the failing concept of taxpayer-funded schools and the threats of legalized government violence targeted at taxpayers if they don’t pay the state to perpetuate the schools.

You can bet the administrators wouldn’t so easily come up with ways to have kindergarteners join twelfth-graders to engage in walkouts for that idea.
