A group of Satanists dressed in bondage gear and sporting baby masks decided to crash a pro-life, anti-Planned Parenthood protest last weekend, proving that there is, in fact, a level lower than low.
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society was protesting the harvesting and sale of fetal tissue taken from aborted babies outside of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Detroit when the group showed up, decked out in leather, masks and diapers.
A few of the group’s members used whips to beat other members, who were dressed as “babies.” A few Satanists dressed as nuns and priests.
LifeSite News reported:
They marched around the pro-lifers and acted out the disturbing scene in front of the pro-life banners, crying and crawling and waving their arms in a perverted theatrical display.
In a statement, Satanists defended the inexplicable and blatantly offensive intrusion by accusing pro-lifers of “fetal idolatry,” saying those who support the rights of the unborn are guilty of the “personalization of mindless, senseless human embryos.”
The action was intended to expose fetal idolatry and the perpetuation of fictional, coercive propaganda against the reproductive health organization. The Satanic Temple believes that the anti-choice movement’s obsession with, and mischaracterization of the fetus obscures medical reality and a woman’s constitutional right to choice. Enlarged images of fetuses which are no larger than an inch and the personalization of mindless, senseless human embryos elevates the fetus to the status of a demigod.
This isn’t the first time the Satanic Temple of Detroit – which paradoxically claims on their website to “encourage benevolence and empathy among all people” and “undertake noble pursuits” – has delved into the openly bizarre in order to offend pro-life activists.
During the National Day of Protest against Planned Parenthood last August, Satanists staged a weird performance in support of Planned Parenthood, during which two women pretended to pray while being drenched in milk by a couple of men dressed as clergy.
But predictably, these vile displays always manage to magically escape the notice of the liberal media, who have yet to report on last weekend’s spectacle on anything but the local level. As the network talking heads paint all pro-life protestors as potentially violent nutjobs who just stand outside clinics “screaming at women,” any footage of Satanic minions dressed in fetishwear flogging grotesque parodies of infants gets left on the cutting room floor.
Ironically, the Left’s columnists, so-called journalists and progressive pundits do seem to find the time to slam pro-lifers and anti-abortion efforts. While turning an ever-blind eye to the vitriol of abortion extremists, those with microphones and pens dedicate hours of airtime and precious inches of print space to bashing GOP inquiries into the price of fetal tissue as “illegitimate” and slamming new abortion laws, garnering the praise of abortion gurus like Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards for being such champions of the abortion cause.
It’s a good rule of thumb not to believe everything you hear. But with the liberal media, it’s much more often about what you don’t.
Unlike the folks who bring you your evening "news," we have footage of the protest here, courtesy of Citizens for a Pro Life Society: