In the World of Woke, at least one school board is opting for sanity over sensitivity.
Proving that there may yet be a sliver of hope remaining in the world, the Kettle Moraine School Board in Wisconsin, which serves about 3,500 across 10 schools in Waukesha County, voted last Tuesday in favor of keeping their existing ban on political symbols like gay pride and Black Lives Matter flags in classrooms.
In the same motion, the school board also prohibited teachers from including their “preferred pronouns” in official work email signatures under an updated interpretation of the policy.
The rules aren’t new, but rather follow the district’s previous policy against faculty displaying “partisan politics, sectarian religious views, or selfish propaganda” in classrooms. To be fair, the rules also prohibit right-leaning politically-charged symbols like “Back the Blue” flags or “Make America Great Again” banners. The mandate only applies to employees, and nothing in the policy prohibits students from wearing political or religious symbols or logos.
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Of course, the state ACLU has accused the school board of specifically targeting the LGBTQ community and “students of color,” saying they’re looking into the policy as a potential legal battle. Some students and faculty have spoken out against the policy and have even launched petitions to overturn it, calling the ban “discriminatory” and arguing that symbols like BLM and pride flags in schools are necessary to make marginalized students feel “safe.”
But Kelly Brown, one of the seven school board members who voted in favor of the policy (with one opposing), said that of the local public feedback she’s received, about 80% was in favor of keeping the policy as-is.
It looks like the people - and their elected school board - have spoken. Perhaps it’s time to stop catering to the perpetually oppressed minority, and get back to teaching math.
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Watch this liberal claim Donald Trump has committed many "provable crimes," yet not able to name a single one when asked.
— MRCTV (@mrctv) August 12, 2022