San Francisco High School Pays Tribute to Fidel Castro

Zach Montanaro | December 5, 2016

The Fidel Castro worship never seems to end.

A high school in San Francisco recently put a quote by the brutal dictator on its public billboard, continuing the baffling praise that many liberals have somehow felt the need to give the Cuban tyrant.

The quote, as can be seen in the picture above, reads, “A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past,” and was spoken by Castro in Havana during a speech he gave on the second anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

The school drew some attention back in 2011, when it was listed as one of 10 schools that the California Charter Schools Association recommended be closed due to low test scores. Leadership High School is a charter school founded in 1997 on the basis of giving parents a choice in the public education system. The CCSA, however, said at the time that the charter school movement couldn’t gain any credibility if it allowed poor-performing charter schools to remain open.

The recommendation was eventually shot down a few months later, when the San Francisco School Board unanimously voted to keep the school open. 

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