Ron Paul Tells 9/11 Truther Why He Won't Come Out About the "Truth" Over 9/11

Joe Schoffstall | December 21, 2011

Recently, Mitt Romney has been under scrutiny for a video unearthed from 2002 in which he states his views are 'progressive'. Newt Gingrich was chastised for previous comments. If we want to be fair across the board, Rep. Ron Paul should have to answer for this video which shows him explaining why he can't  talk about the 'truth' behind 9/11. 

In the video, which appears to be shot in October of 2011, Paul is interviewed by conspiracy theorist group 'We Are Change'. The lady asks Paul why he hasn't come forward with the 'truth' over 9/11, in which he responds that he "can't handle the controversy."

He goes on to say, "I have the IMF the Federal Reserve to deal with, the IRS to deal with because, no, I just have more-too many things on my plate- because I just have too much to do."

While this video doesn't show Paul specifically stating that he is as a full-blown 'Truther', it does show him answering why he isn't talking about the 'truth' behind it. 

(h/t Verum Serum)