It might be time to refer to the left as “Cleopatra,” because they're currently the queens of denial. See what I did there?
The left is in full meltdown mode to the point that they have to resort to justifying their denial to TMZ cameramen.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) is in full Trump derangement mode after the Mueller report found that President Trump didn’t conspire with the Russian government to fix the 2016 election. The left are the sorest losers in the history of losers, and Tlaib displayed how sore she was at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Monday.
The TMZ reporter/cameraman actually asked Tlaib a very fair question, to which Tlaib responded in typical leftist fashion.
“Is it at least fair to say that the country should be happy that the president [Trump] didn’t collude with Russia, right now?” the TMZ reporter/cameraman asked.
“We don’t know that for a fact,” Tlaib said as flippantly. “You all know there was like a three page letter — he says four — but Attorney General [William] Barr, if he [Trump] didn’t do anything, he should release the whole report, right?”
Well, they would release the whole report, but the president needs to be completely exonerated first before you can find out what’s in it. Just using the left’s own logic against them.
You can watch Tlaib’s full comments to TMZ below:
Tlaib’s comments should come as no surprise considering the congresswoman’s still pursuing her perceived dream of taking down a sitting U.S. president.
According to the Detroit Free Press:
U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, is looking for co-sponsors on a resolution to determine whether President Donald Trump has committed impeachable acts while in office, according to media reports[…]
Tlaib's letter, however, wants Trump and his businesses investigated to determine if they have violated a provision, known as the emoluments clause, which prohibit him from receiving foreign payments. Several questions have been raised specifically about foreign governments spending at Trump's D.C. hotel after he became president and whether it was intended to curry his favor.
To their credit, the Detroit Free Press did note that Trump’s administration has previously said that “funds paid his hotel from foreign governments are reimbursed to the U.S. Treasury.”
Oh well. Another day, another delusion about collusion.