Recap: The Left is Winning

Alicia Powe | May 17, 2012

The far-left and socialism have made huge gains in the past week. 

A terrorism plot was foiled, the 51st thwarted attack since 9/11aimed at a US city. Yet  President Obama is secretly releasing prisoners in Afghanistan. 


Former communist-Soviet Union- Russia inaugurated President Vladmir Putin for a third time following an illegitimate election, then declared martial law during his inauguration and detained thousand of demonstrators for contesting his illegitimacy. 


President Obama advocated gay marriage





and this image of President Obama was published:



Really? How does this image do any justice for the United States? Our enemies and terrorists must love how weak this makes America look. 

House Democrats received training and training materials this week on how to do a better job of playing the race card.  the House Democrats brought in a messaging expert to train them on racial messaging this week.The prepared content to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being charged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious.

Reflecting on the 1963  congressional record-of the 45 declared goals of communist to take over America, the events playing themselves out are shocking. The Cold War never ended. 

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Conservatives are losing the culture war.