Reality Check: The Media Slams Spicer, But Ignores Genocide All the Time

Brittany M. Hughes | April 14, 2017

It’s true that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer came down with a case of foot-in-mouth disease the other day when he suggested Hitler never used chemical weapons on his own people. And the media seized on these comments like a pack of bloodhounds, using Spicer’s gaffe to accuse the White House yet again of anti-Semitism. Which is pretty rich coming from a media who only seem to care about Jews and genocides when it fits their narrative.

For years, the media has ignored the mass genocide of Christians in the Middle East, even while hundreds of thousands of Christians have been murdered or driven from their homes because of their faith. The Palm Sunday massacre of dozens of coptic Christians in Egypt last week didn’t get nearly the media attention that Spicer’s gaffe did, and was never described as a genocide on any of the networks.

If they media think they have any standing to criticize Sean Spicer for whitewashing a geocide, it's time to give them a reality check.