A Real-Life Nightmare on Elm Street

Jeffdunetz | October 26, 2015

When Deedee Oliveira purchased her new home on Elm Street in Mission, Texas she didn't expect a "Nightmare on Elm Street" complete with a mystery coffin. 

Ten days before Halloween, the company Ms. Oliveira hired to renovate her backyard was diligently working when one of their tools hit something hard, generating a resounding "thud." According to the report by WKRC-TV, the noise was caused by a four-foot long metallic box. But, when they pulled it out of the ground, "what they discovered wasn't a box, but something eerie. Oliveira walked to her backyard and couldn't believe her eyes as an old rusted coffin almost four feet long was dangling from a digging machine." 

"I'm like, 'A coffin? What do you mean a coffin," Olivera said. "I can't even explain it, it was huge, it had the handles. It was really rusted, and it had bags wrapped around it." Authorities were immediately called to the home.

Detectives and a special crime unit with the Mission Police Department all rushed to investigate what was inside of the coffin. "They had seen little booties and pink little bears and then one of the guys said that he had seen bones," Oliveira said. She began thinking the worst.

Was it a human body inside the coffin, was it Freddie Kruger, or was it something even more horrible like a liberal coming to raise taxes, or Chris Matthews tingling down his leg and all across the poor woman's backyard? 

It wasn't until she spoke to a neighbor who knew the previous homeowners that he worries were put to ease. "My new neighbor told me that the people that used to live here had a funeral for a pet, but it was for a cocker spaniel and those are pretty small dogs. We were like wait, a dog can't possibly be in that large coffin," Oliveira said.

The neighbor was right. Canine bones were found inside the coffin along with pictures of a dog. The coffin was buried next to a tool box with cat bones inside. "Thank God it was a dog and not human remains, if not I think I would've gone crazy," Oliveira said. Oliveira said the coffin and its contents were taken away by the city.

She said feels sad for the people who lost their pet and understands that pet owners bury their beloved fury friends in their own backyards. "Who can say they have found a coffin in their backyard?" Oliveira said. Neighbors believe the coffin had been underground for nearly 30 years.

While it wasn't reported, I would not be surprised if the late dog's name was---Freddie.

Thankfully, the doggie coffin was the only strange thing that came out of her backyard.

At least that's what's been reported.

​The video below is the WKRC-TV news report about the coffin in Ms. Oliveira's backyard.